Undergraduate Update: A Vibrant History Club

by Keeley Wade, History Club President
This year the UT History Club completed its first full year as a registered student organization. Students brought the club back to life in the spring of 2023, hoping to promote community within the history department, create a space for the discussion of historical topics, and connect students with professionals and faculty.
The club has reached a significant number of undergraduate students from a variety of majors, and its five officers strive to create unique and engaging meetings each week. The club hosts faculty members from across departments, including history, classics, and theatre, who have shared their research and professional advice with students.
These faculty visits are not limited to traditional lectures. Students were particularly excited to play a Reacting to the Past game, led by the history lecturer Marina Maccari-Clayton. The club also gives students the opportunity to present their own ideas, including class projects, independent research, and advice for fellow students. Occasionally, the club hosts trivia nights with questions written by members and catered to the interests of the group.

A few times a semester, the club ventures outside of the classroom. In the fall, a group of club members had a great time at the Tennessee Medieval Faire in Harriman. More recently, members saw the Clarence Brown Theatre’s production of The Giver, followed by a discussion with Gina Di Salvo, the show’s dramaturg.
One of our most popular events, though, is the annual Department Social, which gives students a chance to meet fellow undergraduates, plus faculty members and grad students of the department.
It’s been a packed year for this club, and officers hope to continue to grow in numbers and offer a wider selection of events and resources to members. Members are thankful to the department for supporting us financially and to all the faculty and staff at the university who have provided their time, expertise, and passion for history with this group of undergraduates.