Yıldırım Book Project Supported Through Fellowship

Assistant Professor Duygu Yıldırım was awarded a 2023 ACLS Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) in support of her book project, Uncertain Knowledge: The Making of Slow Science between the Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe.
The ACLS Fellowship Program supports exceptional scholarship in the humanities and interpretive social sciences that has the potential to make significant contributions within and beyond the awardees’ fields. Yıldırım is one of 60 early-career scholars from around the country who were selected through a multi-stage peer review from a pool of nearly 1,200 applicants.
Yıldırım’s work explores the role of uncertainty during the globalization of scientific and medical knowledge in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Her book project will show how the rhetoric of uncertainty became a new mode of inquiry and a highly productive new strategy to accommodate emerging anxieties about human diversity, confessional and inter-religious conflict, and the fragmentary knowledge of newly circulated medicinal substances and plants.